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Boyles General Dentistry Blog

Why Does Your Dentist Wear a Face Mask & Shield?

May 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 2:08 pm
dentist in a face mask and shield putting on gloves

If you need to visit your dentist during the COVID-19 crisis, don’t be surprised to see them decked out in head-to-toe PPE. Many patients aren’t aware that facial masks and shields are an absolute necessity for dental staff because they work so close to the mouth. Even before COVID-19, these helped keep them safe from a variety of illnesses. Read on to learn more about why your dentist wears facial coverings and how it’s also beneficial for patients.


Ouch! 4 Types of Toothaches

April 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 4:40 pm
woman tooth pain needing an emergency dentist in Odessa

At work during your lunch break, you eat beside a co-worker. As you take a sip of hot coffee, you feel a sudden, sharp pain in one of your teeth, and your co-worker expresses concern for you. You tell them it’s just a little toothache. “What kind of toothache?” they ask. You’re confused—aren’t all toothaches the same? In fact, there are several types of toothaches, each of which could point to a more serious problem with your dental health like decay, an infection, or an abscess. To learn about some of the most common kinds of tooth pain and how your emergency dentist in Odessa can treat them, just keep reading!


Can You Prevent a Toothache?

March 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 1:59 pm
a young woman walking outside and holding her cheek due to a toothache

Toothaches are one of the most nagging and uncomfortable feelings a person can have. Whether caused by something stuck between your teeth, sinus pressure, or a more serious infection, it never seems as if you can truly relieve the pain. But what if there was a way you could prevent a toothache? Is it possible? To find out, listen to an emergency dentist who explains what you should do if one occurs as well as what tools and techniques you can use at home to keep your teeth pain-free.  


Why You Should Treat an Infection Before Having a Tooth Extracted

February 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 7:16 pm
multiple dental tools lying on a table, one of which is holding an extracted tooth

Your dentist just informed you that you need a tooth extracted. Although not thrilled with the idea, you agree to move forward and are given a round of antibiotics before your surgery. If you’re wondering why you would need to take these before your surgery, you’re not alone. To better understand the process and why it’s recommended by most dental professionals, read on to hear what your local dentist has to say on the topic. 


ER vs Emergency Dentist: How to Choose between Them

January 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 7:54 pm
man basketball tooth pain

You’re playing a competitive game of basketball with your friends. Your teammate passes you the ball, and you make your move toward the hoop. Despite having a defender close by, you shoot, confident that you’ll score. As you land, the defender’s elbow hits you in the mouth. Play stops as your friends gather around to make sure you’re all right. Your mouth is bleeding slightly and one of your teeth has been chipped from the impact. You know that you need to get urgent help, but do you need to go to the emergency room or your emergency dentist?

These situations can be stressful to say the least, and your first instinct may be pointing you toward the ER; however, the doctors there often do not have the training or equipment to help you in a dental emergency. They can alleviate pain, but they will not be able to perform emergency dentistry. Basically, you’ll just be wasting your time, energy, and money with the ER visit. Other times, however, more serious medical treatment may be needed before addressing your teeth. In this blog post, you’ll learn when you should go to the ER and when you should call your dentist.


Bon Voyage! How to Travel after a Root Canal

November 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 9:12 pm
man smiling pointing airplane

You have a big trip coming up in just a few days. You’ve been looking forward to this vacation for months, and you can’t wait to leave. But at your dental appointment, your dentist tells you that you need a root canal. Many questions pop up in your brain all at once. Will this procedure interfere with your plans? What are the risks of completing more complex dental work so close to traveling? Read on to learn the answers to these questions and more.


6 Signs That You May Be a Good Candidate for Dental Implants in Odessa

July 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 8:08 pm
older man smiling

When you look in the mirror and see gaps in your smile from missing teeth, you know it’s time to replace them. You could get a dental bridge, a partial denture, or dental implants to bring back your teeth’s former function and beauty. You’ve heard that dental implants are the most advanced method, but are you eligible for this option? Keep reading to learn six signs that you may be a good candidate for dental implants in Odessa.


Your Dentist Explains Why Some Extractions Are Difficult

June 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 5:05 pm
tooth dental pliers

For your entire lifetime, you only get one set of permanent teeth. As a result, you and your dentist should do everything possible to preserve your smile for the long haul. However, when it becomes necessary to remove a tooth, the procedure can be either simple and easy or challenging and complicated. But why? Why makes a tooth extraction more complex than another? And why on earth would you extract a tooth in the first place? In this post, you’ll get answers to these important questions.


4 Things Your Dentist in Midland Can Find in Your Digital X-rays

June 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 4:59 pm
X-ray red tooth

When you go in for your routine dental checkup, one of the dentist’s team members takes digital X-rays of your teeth. Later, while performing your comprehensive exam, the dentist looks at your X-rays. But do you know why your dentist uses this advanced technology? What do X-rays show your dentist in Midland that they can’t see on their own? In this post, you’ll learn about four examples of the kinds of things your dentist looks for in your X-rays and how they can use that information to keep your smile happy and healthy.


Tired of Living with Crooked Teeth? Clear Braces May Be the Solution!

April 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drboyles @ 7:58 pm

You feel that turn in your stomach whenever you meet a new client. You’re embarrassed to smile and show them your crooked teeth; however, you’re also worried about making the wrong impression if you don’t smile. You’ve considered orthodontic treatment, but you’re not sure which is more uncomfortable: being an adult with braces or being an adult with crooked teeth? The good news is that there is a solution for your situation with clear braces. Here’s what you should know.

Woman wearing a clear plastic aligner.
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